Sequels are made for two reasons- to take the story (in most cases franchise) forward or curiosity to find out whatever really happened once the dust settled. Oliver Stone wanted to see how Gordon Gekko, “a quintessentially American story, manages to survive in a new shark tank 22 years later”. Stone also believes that the world and Gekko have changed but this belief is only limited to the fringes for Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is almost like a shamelessly rehash of its predecessor.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps would have worked better has this been a straight tale of how Gekko got back at the world. After all if you thaw someone as iconic as Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) shouldn’t he be given more to do than sign books and give the looks? Gekko’s daughter, Winnie (Carey Mulligan) blames him for everything wrong in the world and loathes his mere presence but even then it’s just one teary scene with loads of reference laden dialogue that sets the record straight between the two. Once Gekko is forgiven and enters Winnie’s world we really don’t see them make up for lost time; instead Gekko’s only interested in getting her signature on a piece of paper that will give him access to 100 million dollars he put aside before going to jail. Jacob (Shia LaBeouf), part Gekko-part Bud Fox up and coming investment banker and Winnie’s lover, on the other is one naïve fool who simply refuses to learn the ways of the world. He’s always lending money to his real estate agent mom (Susan Sarandon), speaking on the phone to Dr. Masters (Austin Pendleton), a scientist in sunny California, who keeps asking for money for his sustained efforts to create clean energy, buying rings for Winnie even though she keeps asking him to return the rocks every time the stock market acts up, working for Bretton James (Josh Brolin), the devil incarnate or Gekko reprised depending on the way you look, fully aware that James is a spineless broker and yet acting surprised whenever he does something nasty- ever after all this Jacob has the same sullen expression on his face no matter what how different the emotion might be!
The biggest problem with the film is that it seems to take the adage of the more things change the more they remain the same a tad too seriously. As a result the little ambiguity that defined Gordon Gekko and Bud Fox in Wall Street is traded for rather simplistic shades of gray that often end up categorizing everyone as good or bad. Stone pitches Gekko as a wounded anti-hero as opposed to the villain that the first part made him to be. But the truth be told Gordon ‘Greed is Good’ Gekko wasn’t really the villain; he took some liberties that weren’t illegal and just made money. In the sequel all the bad guys are Gordon Gekko wannabes and all the good guys are Bud Fox look-alikes. Worse still all good guys are rehashed Gekkos without committing the crime or serving time!
Barring Michael Douglas, who looks devilishly devious as Gekko two decades on, there is nothing to write home about Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. To comprehend how limited an actor Shia LaBeouf really is one just needs to see the scene where he mouths his signature ‘this is the end of the world’ Transformers kind of line as the stock market plummets. Josh Brolin as the new and improved Gordon Gekko is made to look very villain like kind courtesy Rodrigo Prieto’s Godfather like lighting but that is the extent of his scariness. Susan Sarandon gets a handful of scenes where she gets to exercise her southern accent and Carey Mulligan’s wounded butterfly like Winner Gekko is tedious.
This is a film where everything happens almost the way you expect and some times it takes too long to happen. The set up isn’t as exciting as the manner in which Stone revealed this world twenty years ago. No longer are we interested in his conspiracy theories and we really don’t care about the fact that once upon a time he saw things that we really bother noticing. We know how this ugly world works and Oliver Stone needs to know that as well!
Rating: 2/5
This review first appeared in Buzz in Town
Image: IMPA Awards
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